Friday, February 8, 2008

Bay City's Nuke Plan

In the community of Bay City there are plans in the works to expand the South Texas Project (nuclear power plant) from two nuclear reactors to four. There was a public meeting held recently to go over the details of the project and discuss the environmental issues associated with the proposed expansion. More than two hundred citizens were in attendance. Many were dissatisfied with the focus the elected officials chose to put on the meeting. The meeting which was supposes to discuss environmental issues, spent more time on the economic advantages. This plan is undoubtedly due to the extreme growth in power needs and the desire for clean energy to combat climate change. In my opinion more nuclear power is not the route we should be taking. With all the technological advancements that have been made over the years the governments answer to our problems lies with technology we’ve had all along. This seems like a recipe for disaster. We are consuming too much power so let’s build more terrorist targets; this logic makes no sense to me. I think that money would be better spent putting solar units on peoples residences rather than building huge cancer plants in these peoples backyards and justify it by taunting them with good jobs. The reason we didn’t go completely nuclear years ago is because of the nuclear waste that is produced and the possibility of disaster. Has our dying thirst for power outweighed our personal safety? I think this article would be of interest to anyone who consumes power.

For More Info Please See:

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